Washington State Department of Social and Health Services ...
Washington Economic Justice Alliance. DSHS is proud to host this important work toward a Washington free of poverty, where everyone can thrive and experience joy, belonging and dignity.
Food, Cash, Medical | DSHS
Food Help Cash Help Medical Help; Basic Food. Basic Food for Legal Immigrants
Office Locator | DSHS
500 Centralia College Blvd Suite 200 Centralia, WA 98531-3700. View details Get directions. 117
How to apply for services | DSHS
You may complete an online application by using the WashingtonConnection.org website, applying by phone at 877-501-2233 or going to your local Community Services Office. On WashingtonConnection.org you can: Start a new application. Report a change, such as address, income or family situation. Submit an eligibility review for continuing benefits.
Contact DSHS | DSHS - Washington State Department of Social …
TTY/TDD users dial 1-800-833-6384 for Washington Relay Service Most DSHS offices are open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and closed on weekends and holidays. Apply for assistance Do a review, report a change, or have questions about cash, food, Housing and Essential Needs referral, Medicaid (for people who are 65 and older, blind or disabled, receiving SSI or eligible
Housing Assistance | DSHS - Washington State Department of …
Can you help me find a long-term care facility in Washington state?
Aging and Long-Term Support Administration | DSHS
DSHS has maintained Apple Health Medicaid Coverage for the Aged, Blind or Disabled population during the Public Health Emergency, and will continue into the future, however beginning April 1, 2023 customers must complete a renewal in order to keep your coverage. You will receive a letter in the mail when it is time for your renewal.
Basic Food | DSHS
The U.S. Department of Agriculture Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, known as SNAP and called Basic Food in Washington, helps people with low incomes make ends meet by providing monthly benefits to buy food. The Food Assistance Program, called FAP, is a state-funded program that provides food assistance to legal immigrants who aren't eligible for …
Medicaid | DSHS - Washington State Department of Social and …
Learn More About How to apply for Medicaid. The types of services that help an adult remain at home. Finding other places to live and get care if the adult can no longer live at home. Finding caregiver resources and information. Ways to stay independent as long as possible. Find in-depth information about the rules and laws that govern Washington State’s Medicaid program.
Rainier School | DSHS - Washington State Department of Social …
Rainier School is a habilitation center for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities located within the city limits of Buckley, Washington about a mile-and-a-half from downtown. The campus is situated in a peaceful country setting with a unique and prominent view of Mount Rainier. Rainier School's first residents arrived in October 1939 from what is now