Babel (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) - Wikipedia
Kira believes Dr. Surmak may have knowledge of the virus, so she decides to bring him to DS9. At first, Commander Sisko refuses to allow Kira to leave, but she assures him she will not break quarantine.
Babel (episode) | Memory Alpha | Fandom
In the infirmary, Bashir discovers that a virus has infected the brain's synapses; as other crew members are afflicted, Sisko orders DS9 to be placed in quarantine immediately. Odo notices that business is booming in Quark's.
Benjamin Sisko | Memory Alpha - Fandom
Benjamin Lafayette "Ben" Sisko was a well known Human male Starfleet commanding officer who was perhaps best known for his seven-year assignment aboard starbase Deep Space 9 in the Bajor sector. After discovering the Bajoran wormhole, he became known to the Bajoran people as the Emissary of the Prophets.
"Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" Babel (TV Episode 1993) - IMDb
The crew and civilian population of Deep Space Nine begin to speak gibberish when a plague - an 'aphasia virus' - engineered by the Bajorans as a weapon against the Cardassians, accidentally gets released into the station's atmosphere.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine S01E05 "Babel" - TV Tropes
Almost all of DS9 is infected, with only Sisko, Odo, and Quark unaffected. Kira leaves to "persuade" doctor Surmak to assist her, while Sisko and Odo deal with another problem: A panicking cargo captain named Jaheel attempts to leave the station.
"Babel" | Star Trek: DS9 - Jammer's Reviews
Jan 25, 1993 · As for Sisko hugging a newly infected Jake, even before the pandemic that would have been highly inadvisable! But the way the virus manifested via aphasia and linguistic nonsense was a brilliant stroke, and not only very entertaining but also thought-provoking in terms of the universal translator.
The Deep Space Nine Transcripts - Babel - chakoteya.net
BASHIR: He appears to be suffering from a form of aphasia. It's a perceptual dysfunction in which aural and visual stimuli are incorrectly processed by the brain. His actual thinking hasn't been affected, but he's incapable of expressing himself or understanding others.
[DS9] Babel - Let's Watch Star Trek
Aug 15, 2012 · Deep Space Nine tries their hardest putting the whole crew’s fate in Kira’s hands, but there still isn’t much suspense. File under: The crew is losing it! Sisko: “Bread the arrive seen earlier.” Constable: “Oh, I see.” Ha, Odo has the best reaction to disease.
"Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" Babel (TV Episode 1993) - IMDb
A booby trap of a virus was set in Deep Space Nine years ago, a virus causing stroke like aphasia. It starts with Chief O'Brien and takes down most of the regulars before the episode is over. Major Kira is the one who investigates and finds the how and why.
DS9, Season 1, Ep 4 - "Babel" - The station is under ... - Reddit
Apr 28, 2020 · Sisko wants to alert the Cardassian Government of the pending Klingon invasion without breaking the treaty by directly contacting the Cardassians, so he asks Garak to come to the wardroom and measure him for a new suit while he's discussing the invasion with his staff.
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