Italy 1800 - David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
Map of the Area in 1800 / Mappa dell'Area nel 1800. Back/Indietro. link to this page
Italian birth records - Italian Side Genealogy
This is a sample birth record issued in Italy during last decades of 1800. Going back in time the shape was different even if the info available was almost the same. In the first years of 1800 it was just hand written.
Old Italian Towns and Villages - ItalianSide.com
With this database, ItalianSide.com tries to help you in your researches about Italy. If you are not sure of the exact name of the village you are searching for, or if you are not sure of its spelling, you can search for partial names too (minimum 3 characters) .
Italian Civil Records - Italian Side Genealogy
how to search Birth, Marriage and Death Italian Records. In Italy civil records started in 1809 before that date it's possible to search religious archives
Genealogy in Palermo - ItalianSide.com
Looking for information on my paternal Grandmother and Grandfather from Gangi, Palermo, Italy. Anna Piraino or Peraino born around 1904 in Palermo. Filippo or Philip Pane born 1903 also in Palermo.
Old Photos of Alife - ItalianSide.com
At ItalianSide, we have a big collection of old photos from almost every town in Campania and in Italy (We have more than 90% of Italian towns in our pictures archives!). We have several images of Alife too and here you can see some of them (click on the picture to enlarge).
Old Photos of San Lorenzello - ItalianSide.com
At ItalianSide, we have a big collection of old photos from almost every town in Campania and in Italy (We have more than 90% of Italian towns in our pictures archives!). We have several images of San Lorenzello too and here you can see some of them (click on the picture to enlarge).
Vittuone - ItalianSide.com
Uncover Your Vittuone Ancestry! Explore records, plan your trip, discover traditions & food. Find Italian citizenship documents & Vittuone property listings
Old Photos of Avigliano - ItalianSide.com
If you like historical maps, check this old map (1800) of Avigliano and its area. Are you on Facebook? If you are and you give your “LIKE” to ItalianSide Facebook page , to thank you, we will send you an old picture of Avigliano!
Old Photos of Atripalda - ItalianSide.com
If you are interested in historical maps, here you can see an old map (1800) of Atripalda and its area. Are you on Facebook? If you are and you give your “LIKE” to ItalianSide Facebook page , to thank you, we will send you an old picture of Atripalda!