What is the perfect lathe for gunsmithing? - The Hobby-Machinist
Mar 4, 2011 · I recently took up gunsmithing and checked with a friend (with years of smithing). I watched him thread and chamber a barrel stuck through the head stock. He said "I used to do this between center and through the head is much less work with setup". So I sold my worn out atlas and found a lathe that will fit a barrel through the head. A Clausing ...
Newbie looking for the right lathe for Gunsmithing
Dec 29, 2020 · The South Bend heavy 10 was and still is the go to lathe for gunsmithing. Many modern lathes for gunsmithing have similar dimensions. Chambering barrels and typical gunsmithing work does not require a massive lathe. Many gunsmiths have used the 9" atlas/craftsman and south bend lathes with excellent results.
Gunsmithing What lathe for the home gunsmith? - Sniper's Hide
Apr 26, 2022 · Their "gunsmith" lathe is nothing more than a standard lathe with a spider built into the spindle liner out back. The threads are silly thin and we had ours almost stripped out within a barrel or two. 26" was the shortest barrel we could make with the larger gunsmith lathe (again about 7k but not near as nice as the older Taiwan lathe).
Gunsmithing mini-lathe worth investing in? - Sniper's Hide
Nov 16, 2018 · The advantages are a smaller footprint, lighter weight. Cost is nearly the same as for a gunsmithing lathe. Grizzly, Precision Matthews and Smithy all make very nice entry level gunsmithing lathes. Just be aware, you are talking something that weighs 1000 pounds. Cost for the lathe is around 3500.
Gunsmithing | "Gunsmithing" lathes - Practical Machinist
May 3, 2012 · I hear the term "gunsmithing lathe" sooften and i think its nonsence. Gunsmithing is probly the most simple lathe work i have ever done. You need far less tooling and accessories to gunsmith than a good job shop set up on a lathe. I always have a few lathes for sale and get so many of the dreaded calls " Do you have a gunsmithing lathe?"
Which lathe for gunsmithing? - Practical Machinist
Nov 13, 2009 · Always plenty of repair parts around and user friendly. I put a dc motor on mine with the adjustable speed. The clausing is a great lathe also. I also set my lathe up with a 2j collet speed chuck. 1-3/8 cap, same as bore. I would buy a lathe in top shape even at a premium price. I paid a little over 3k for mine. I have hard ways and d1-4 spindle.
Gunsmithing Lathe selection - Sniper's Hide
Feb 8, 2023 · Hey guys looking for a lathe for barrel work. I’m considering a new 1440 grizzly gunsmithing with Dro and it already has a spider built on tail stock. I’m really not wanting to spend that but for the money it seems like the best option and I don’t really know where to look for used. Is …
What are the differences with a 'gunsmithing' lathe?
Nov 7, 2024 · Hello folks, While doing my research I've noticed many machines are labeled as 'gunsmithing lathes'. Obviously they must have features which appeal to those involved in gunsmithing, just wondering what specifically these differences are. For one thing, they all seem to be 12 x 36. What else...
Gunsmithing Lathe advice! - Sniper's Hide
May 23, 2017 · Also got a Jet 16 Mill/Drill. With a little bit of playing, even my simple mind can make all sorts of stuff. I also got a Taiwan 6x18 Lathe which is great for little stuff. I'm not a machinist but I believe its the tooling that makes a lathe. Don't need fancy. The greatest gun designer in history used this little lathe.
Best Gunsmithing Lathes.... - Practical Machinist
Dec 9, 2004 · It just looks like a sweet machine, that would be perfect for gunsmithing. Of course, one day I WILL eventually acquire an EE, and I surely wouldn't turn one down if I found one in good condition that I could afford. Thanks for all the replies, and if anyone cares to share any other gunsmithing/lathe info, I'm very interested to hear from you!