Railway Network Map | Railway Routes | ScotRail
Our major stations, such as Glasgow Central and Edinburgh Waverly, feature the most connections to other networks, connecting with the rest of the UK. Ensure you are correctly prepared and check the necessary connection times for each station and journey.
Live Network Map | Check Train Services & Disruption - ScotRail
Mar 24, 2016 · Open the map to get an overview of any disruption on the network – then zoom in for detailed information, from specific disruptions to station facilities and live departures. You can use it on desktop and mobile devices, and it always shows the most up to date information.
Glasgow Subway - Metro Line Map
The Glasgow Subway is the third oldest metro system in the world, and it began operation in December 1896. The Subway runs from 06:30 to 23:40 Monday to Saturday and 10:00 to 18:12 on Sunday. Train frequency during peak hours is about four …
Maps of the National Rail Network
Glasgow and Strathclyde area rail map. Schematic map showing the rail routes around Glasgow and the Strathclyde area. December 2023. PDF (238k) (download link)
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Rail map of Glasgow
The pattern of services shown is based on the standard Mondays to Fridays timetable. At weekends certain stations are closed and some services altered.
Scotland Rail Map 2024 | Interactive Scotland Train Map
Our interactive train map of Scotland highlights some of the most popular routes in Scotland and from England and Wales to Scotland. Click on each of the routes in our map below to find journey times and ticket prices.
Glasgow Train Stations and Maps - European Rail Guide
Glasgow rail maps with major train station location and details from European Rail Guide
Train Tickets | Train Journey Planner | ScotRail
Buy cheap train tickets & find the best deals on rail fares to Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Inverness & the rest of Scotland.
Glasgow Central station map - Network Rail
This map gives an interactive and accessible focused solution for navigating your way around the station. The map includes the ability to change colour settings, choose between different floors and highlight key search points such as toilets, platforms, lifts, and the ticket office.
Glasgow Subway — Map, Lines, Route, Hours, Tickets
Glasgow Subway Map with information about its route lines, timings, tickets, fares, stations and official websites. Download PDF.