DBCA Region Boundaries (DBCA-022) - Web Mapping Service
Web Map Service (WMS) is a standard protocol for serving georeferenced map images over the internet that are generated by a map server using data from a GIS database. WMS allows a user to spatially visualise the dataset, and query individual features, but …
DBCA Region Boundaries (DBCA-022) - Datasets - data.wa.gov.au
DBCA's administrative region boundaries - formally DPAW Region Boundaries (DPAW-033)
Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions
Regional Parks (DBCA-026) Regional Parks are open spaces identified as having regionally significant value for conservation, recreation and community use. There are regional parks situated around...
Access interactive maps showing Western Australia's biodiversity
Nov 9, 2023 · intuitive user interface: offers map-based data exploration; robust data curation: ensures data quality and standardisation; data variety: hosts species observation, survey, and vegetation data; data accessibility: provides a tools to download and access data; privacy measures: protects records of threatened species; For data providers: data ...
SLIP_Public_Services/Boundaries (MapServer)
Comments: Service providing access to boundary related data for public use.
Layer: DBCA Region Boundaries (DBCA-022) (ID: 5)
The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions administers a variety of environmental services to the public through 9 regional offices throughout Western Australia. The boundaries define the jurisdictional boundaries for regional offices to deploy DBCA services.
Home | Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions
Scientific excellence guides our work in biodiversity conservation. Activities requiring a licence, permit or authority from DBCA. Our approach to managing fire, and the lands and waters in our care.
Park finder map - Explore Parks WA
Map out a route to your favourite places. Dogs allowed? - Any - Dogs allowed No dogs. The Government of Western Australia acknowledges the traditional owners throughout Western Australia and their continuing connection to the land, waters and community.
Datasets - data.wa.gov.au
A dataset that contains Regional Development Commission (RDC) region boundaries in Western Australia. These regions were established to support the Regional Development... PDF
Land use planning | Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and ...
Western Australia's land use planning system coordinates planning, land use and development through the review, approval and monitoring of planning schemes, policies, strategies, structure plans and subdivision and development applications.