A Space for Us: A Guide for Leading Black, Indigenous, and People …
Aug 8, 2023 · In A Space for Us, Michelle Cassandra Johnson brings her over 20 years of experience leading dismantling racism work to provide the first affinity groups guide made for BIPOC communities. This essential guide will: Provide an understanding of the racial hierarchy and how it has impacted Black, Indigenous, and People of Color differently.
- 5/5(4)
The Facilitator's Guide for White Affinity Groups: Strategies for ...
Aug 9, 2022 · The Facilitator’s Guide for White Affinity Groups is the first in-depth guide for educators, mediators, workplace consultants and trainers, workplace diversity groups, community organizers, conference organizers, members of faith communities, and members of racial and social justice groups.
- 4.7/5(16)
A Space for Us — Michelle Cassandra Johnson
In A Space for Us, Michelle Cassandra Johnson brings her over 20 years of experience leading dismantling racism work to provide the first affinity groups guide made for BIPOC communities. Provide an understanding of the racial hierarchy and how it has impacted Black, Indigenous, and People of Color differently.
The Facilitator’s Guide to White Affinity Groups - UUA Bookstore
While there are a few short articles and guides addressing the challenges and complexities of leading white affinity groups, there has never been a detailed handbook exclusively focused on the skills and perspectives necessary for white racial affinity group facilitators.
The Facilitator's Guide for White Affinity Groups - Penguin …
The Facilitator’s Guide for White Affinity Groups is the first in-depth guide for educators, mediators, workplace consultants and trainers, workplace diversity groups, community organizers, conference organizers, members of faith communities, …
A Space for Us - Beacon Press
Provide rituals and tools for healing in BIPOC affinity groups. Provide information about how to come back together as BIPOC and white people to strategize and take collective action. Comprehensive and accessible, A Space for Us offers practical guidance for facilitating effective BIPOC racial affinity groups and will be an important resource ...
A Space for Us: A Guide for Leading Black, Indigenous ... - Burning Books
In A Space for Us, Michelle Cassandra Johnson brings her over 20 years of experience leading dismantling racism work to provide the first affinity groups guide made for BIPOC communities. This essential guide will: Provide an understanding of the racial hierarchy and how it has impacted Black, Indigenous, and People of Color differently.
A Space for Us: A Guide for Leading Black, Indigenous, and
The first comprehensive guide for leading BIPOC affinity groups for challenging white supremacy, healing racial trauma, and taking collective action. Meeting in racial affinity groups is a common practice in anti-racist, social justice, diversity, and similar forms of educational endeavors.
Affinity Group Process - Light for the Soul
The Affinity Group Guidelines are presented and described in depth in Paul Ferrini’s book Living in the Heart and in his Online Affinity Group Course which includes both the material in the book, as well as videos of Paul Ferrini teaching about the Affinity process.
The Facilitator's Guide for White Affinity Groups: Strategies for ...
Aug 9, 2022 · This book is the first in-depth guide for educators, mediators, workplace consultants and trainers, workplace diversity groups, community organizers, conference organizers, members of faith communities, and members of racial and social justice groups.
- 4.6/5(15)
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