The dreaded poop-butt, solutions?? - The Horse Forum
Jul 21, 2015 · Your weather has been pretty wonky lately; yes we've heard about it on the Nashville stations, plus I watch Al Roker, lollol. It is most likely playing a huge role in the chemistry of your grasses and affecting this horse's digestive tract ----- even if other horses are not affected
Super Ag Lime Plus - Hay & Forage Forum
Jul 26, 2022 · Has anyone used this product or heard anything about it. My fields are at 5.6 and 5.8 PH and need to be limed
What Age Would You Retire A Barrel Racer? - The Horse Forum
Dec 1, 2011 · It really depends on the horse's capabilities. Keeping a horse sound is my #1 priority, so I run and watch for signs that the horse is ready to be done. With Jester it came when he started feeling heavy when I was running him. Before he didn't need my help at al, but when I felt even the slightest change in his style I knew it was time.
Shortening loader arms - Hay & Forage Forum
Feb 17, 2017 · I've got a 190xt allis with a Du-Al 325 loader. The loader would normally sit with the vertical supports right at the front edge of the foot platform. Long story short I decided to install a Year-a-round cab on it and will now be moving the loader forward.
Sulfur:nitrogen ratio? | Hay & Forage Forum
Mar 2, 2018 · How are your calcium levels? Most forms of sulfur will send your pH down. Gypsum will not, supplies Ca and S, and the sulfate will also deal with subsoil Al toxicity if that is an issue. Pricing is kind of like limestone, depends on how far you have to ship it. Most is a result of scrubber systems from coal fired power plants.
Hesston 560 Round baler Help!! - Hay & Forage Forum
Aug 5, 2010 · A forum community dedicated to hay, forage and silage owners and enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about tractors, machinery, harvesting, soils, pests, ranching, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more!
Tonutti or Rhino Rakes | Hay & Forage Forum
Mar 5, 2016 · The dairy: Massey Ferguson WR9770; Vermeer R2300; NH D1000[Harvest Tech 465](2x3 big sguare) ; Claas Jaguar 880 silage chopper; various IH and CIH tractors and an Agco RT135
Arabian Lines - your opinions/experiences? | The Horse Forum
Aug 29, 2011 · Not a fan of the SEs, especially the Al Khamsa horses. They've been inbred -excuse me- linebred so much they're fugly, stupid, and over reactive. They look like bad cartoon caricatures of the original breed. There are some nice SEs, but I happen to think they're few and far between. There used to be plenty of SEs that I liked. Nowadays, not so ...
starting a colt - The Horse Forum
Apr 26, 2020 · Get him to follow you for some grain and into an enclosed are where you can get a halter on him and go from there, handling him all over, having his feet picked up, respecting your space et al. If you have taken on a young horse then you should be confident enough to do the early work yourself.
Santa Barbara Al Tietjen SweetWater Silver Bit - The Horse Forum
Feb 27, 2013 · Sweet-water mouth handmade Al Tietjen bit. Very famous maker out of Reno, Nevada. Very nice bit, great condition, not used much. Late 60s. Santa Barbara Elko Star shank. Very nice bit. Just need the money and its one that was chosen to go. $400.