The much-anticipated sequel to Ridley Scott's iconic film, Gladiator II, is ready to captivate audiences at home after its run in theaters. According to Variety, the film will arrive on Paramount+ at ...
As Ridley Scott takes yet another swipe at Pauline Kael, how long will it take for the director's increasingly tedious rhetoric to overshadow his work?
In early 2015, District 9 director Neill Blomkamp revealed that he had been developing a direct sequel to Aliens called Alien: Awakening, which would ignore the events of Alien 3 and Alien ...
Russell Crowe won an Oscar for his 2000 role in the original Gladiator movie, but Gladiator II did not receive a nomination in any of the major categories this year ...
Ridley Scott's Gladiator 2 faces the colossal challenge of living up to the legacy of Russell Crowe's iconic revenge epic.