Take Ricky Rudd, for instance—his 1984 crash in the Clash nearly cost him his vision, yet he returned to the Daytona 500 with taped eyes the next week and finished 7th. This is just the tip of ...
No, Ricky Rudd never won the Daytona 500 ... His face was swollen, and his eyes were nearly swollen shut. In order to see properly, he taped his eyelids open and completed the race despite ...
That was a first-time winner.” (via Yahoo Sports) #4. He Taped His Eyes Open to Race in the 1984 Daytona 500 Ricky Rudd’s toughness was put to the test in the 1984 Daytona 500. Just days ...
Ricky Rudd, known as the "Ironman" for his 788 consecutive starts over a 32-year career, was feted for his grit. After a crash the week before the Daytona 500, Rudd's eyes were so swollen he used ...
Ricky Rudd, known as the “Ironman” for his 788 consecutive starts over a 32-year career, was feted for his grit. Following a crash the week before the Daytona 500, Rudd’s eyes were so ...