Funding from Hawaii County and the state totaling $6 million is bringing a decadelong effort to build Hilo’s first skate park closer to fruition.
Season nine of Temptation Island was officially released on Mar. 12, bringing the hot and heavy series to Netflix. The ...
Low key and affordable, Hilo has recently raised its coolness factor with a swanky new speakeasy and local chefs gaining ...
A study to investigate how to improve the water quality of Hilo Bay could begin this year.
The Vibrant Capital Honolulu, the capital of Hawaii, is a bustling city that offers an array of outdoor activities. With ...
In September 2022, Mahi abducted a Kona teenage girl at knife point at Anaeho’omalu Bay after forcing her to tie up the boy ...
Duncan Mahi of Hilo was sentenced on Friday in Kona Circuit Court to 30 years in prison for abducting a 15-year-old Kona girl and her boyfriend at a West Hawaiʻi beach and sexually assaulting the girl ...
Hawai‘i Department of Transportation crews are performing emergency repairs on the bridge that spans the Wāiluku River delta ...
From witnessing the fiery eruption at Kīlauea to hiking through tropical forests, nature lovers have plenty to do on the east ...
A Brown Water Advisory was issued today for Hilo Bay and along the Hamakua Coast. The state Department of Health advises beach users to stay out of water when it appears brown or murky, especially ...
A 78-year-old Hawaii man has been convicted of murder in the brutal killing of a Bay Area girl in 1982. Gary Ramirez pleaded no contest in a Santa Clara County court this week in the slaying of 15 ...
Credit: Rachel Nunley, Kaloko-Honokōhau National Historical Park. Hawai’i researchers have identified ten new sponge species in Kāneʻohe Bay, emphasizing their ecological importance in coral reef ...