Like getting your teeth cleaned at the dentist or forgetting your umbrella on the one day it downpours, occasional anxiety is ...
For example, some studies have claimed that spending just 15 minutes outside in nature can boost serotonin production.
Q: When I’m depressed, I have a hard time getting myself to exercise even though I know I should. Why is this and what should I do?   In case it makes you feel better, it’s important to recognize that ...
An experimental Alzheimer's treatment from Boston researchers may be able to treat both dementia and depression symptoms.
I was still struggling with depression, but I was taking my medications. This is as good as it gets. Right? Maybe not.
As Dr. Mallika Marshall reports, dementia and depression often go hand-in-hand in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Now, an experimental home-based electrical therapy may be able help.
A NYC dermatologist is now offering brain treatments with an Exomind device, which is said to be a high-tech fix for ...
Explore why night owls face higher depression risks due to mindfulness and sleep quality, not just their sleep habits.
When we created our burnout measure, we compared burnout symptoms with these two types of depression. Burnout shares some ...
Kanna belongs to a class of substances known as empathogenics, which primarily function by increasing the release of ...
Individuals with depression may exhibit heightened reactions to both positive and negative social interactions, including ...
Hormones influence mood and metabolism Learn how imbalances affect emotions weight and overall health and how to restore ...