The Unilever-owned brand wants four textured and protective hair styles added to Unicode, including braids, so Black people ‘see themselves reflected in digital spaces’ ...
But despite their prevalence, people are only just realising what one popular character really means. The emoji in question ...
Ceballos retorted with humor, using a raised hand emoji to mock the statement, further cementing his stance. This maneuver showcases how players are increasingly using social media platforms not just ...
“YASSS QUEEENNNNNNN,” Drake commented on his mom’s post, along with a fire and raised hand emoji. While the 20-year-old’s account is private, both his mom and his dad, Chip ...
because I’m not black”. Clayson Monyela, a senior official at the foreign affairs department, responded emphatically on the social media platform. “Sir, that’s NOT true & you know it! It’s got nothing ...
People put a lot of thought into getting a tattoo -- the design they desire, the location they prefer and the message their body art will send to others. Most don't think about the impact their ...
Another added, “You can’t keep black downnnn baby.” Some fans questioned the science behind Sosa’s apparent transformation. “I’m actually curious now because I thought skin bleaching ...
As per London's Natural History Museum and University College London, a man named Cheddar Man who lived 10,0000 years ago had brown hair, blue eyes and dark to black skin. He is believed to have ...
Meet the 17 bus lane cameras which have between them snared almost 350,000 drivers over a five-year period - and raised more than ... said many drivers in the Black Country were innocently ...