Biomedical experimental data indicate that automobile accidents with no vehicle damage are unlikely to cause injury to the occupants. Soft tissue injuries heal in a few weeks. Chronic pain has ...
According to the above data, the selective agonists of the GABA-A receptor complex are the drugs of first choice in the drug treatment of insomnia. [22] Once treatment has started, monitoring and ...
Transient diabetes insipidus almost always begins within 24-48 h of surgery, and usually abates within several days. Both transient diabetes insipidus and the first phase of the triphasic pattern ...
The elderly are more susceptible to pneumonia than younger populations. The prevalence of both disability and comorbid diseases increase with age and are associated with increased risk of pneumonia.
Impact of sex on in-hospital mortality and 90-day readmissions in patients undergoing transcatheter mitral valve replacement (TMVR): Analysis from the nationwide readmission database.
Propolis is commonly used in cosmetic and medicinal preparations because of its antiseptic, antiinflammatory, and anesthetic properties. Its therapeutic qualities have been well documented.
Objective: Corticosteroids are effective in controlling the inflammatory component of allergic rhinitis; however, evidence for the clinical efficacy of systemic corticosteroids in this disease is ...
Background: The pathogenesis of daytime hypercapnia (PaCO 2 ≥ 45 mm Hg) may be directly linked to the existence of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) per se, although only some patients ...
New-onset paranoid symptoms are common among older individuals. They can signify an acute mental status change owing to medical illness, correspond to behavioural and psychological symptoms of ...
Since the inception of the nurse practitioner (NP) role in the 1960s, NPs have thrived in the delivery of primary healthcare and nurse case management. Despite patient satisfaction with NPs' style ...
Why: Depression is common in late life, effecting nearly five million of the 31 million Americans aged 65 and older. Both major and minor depression are reported in 13% of community dwelling older ...
Alpha-1 adrenergic antagonists produce greater improvement in voiding symptoms and urinary flow rates than finasteride alone. No additive or synergistic effects have been proven when terazosin was ...