UB dental students had the chance to work with the latest in AI technology at a two-day sesssion last week at the dental ...
For example, if an aviation security agency releases information about new screening technology at a set of airports, ...
BUFFALO, N.Y. – Hundreds of high school students from across Western New York will be on the University at Buffalo’s North ...
The pioneering nuclear chemist Glenn Seaborg discovered berkelium at Berkeley Lab in 1949. It was one of many achievements ...
“In addition, research over the decades using the Draw-A-Scientist-Test framework shows that students tend to draw scientists ...
UB researchers have uncovered how heat causes a critical receptor protein within cells to unfold and relay pain.
The second-place team will receive $10,000 in seed funding. After watching a record 41 first-round pitches, preliminary ...
Everyone assumed they were going back to jail for failing to meet the requirements of their release. In fact, most of the ...
Proposed plans for Lockwood include: Reallocating and expanding a mix of study seating throughout the library, particularly ...
Two exhibitions organized by architecture faculty member Camden Miller are currently on display in the Hayes Hall atrium.
A faculty member in sociology since 2004, as well as a former department chair, Granfield was named vice provost for faculty ...
The space is designed to increase Indigenous faculty and student retention and success, and foster community-building at UB ...