Rhu, a shih-tzu who had lost an eye due to a previous neglect, found a loving new owner in Lauraine Maddox. Now she's got a ...
When a puppy named Huey arrived via cross-continental flight in the arms of his daughter, David Rubin was skeptical. But Huey ...
A recent community-based animal handling training to tackle stray dog challenges was a “tremendous success,” according to ...
These canines, called human remains detection (HRD) dogs, or cadaver dogs, found a place in disaster-related operations in ...
However, after taking rescue dog Lady home, it "very quickly became ... including one of a friend who "thought she was training her puppy in English commands. The puppy would ignore her.
Animal Rescue Cumbria and The Wainwright Shelter take in, rehabilitate and rehome 350 cats and dogs every year. Once a dog has been assessed by the animal care team, they can be advertised for ...
TikTok viewers were moved to tears after seeing a dog's grooming transformation when a couple rescued her off the streets in ...
Masks that give life-saving care to pets that fall victim to smoke inhalation and other emergencies were given to Marion County Fire Rescue (MCFR).
Nearly two decades after the Michael Vick case launched organized dog fighting into the spotlight, it still remains a ...
K9 Veterans Day on March 13 honors the service of military and working dogs, inspired by Stubby, the first dog promoted to sergeant.
It can be overwhelming for first-time dog owners when it comes to choosing a breed. There are many things to take into ...