Superman is kicking off the DCU in style, and this is the best idea that DC Studios could have had. Superman is the first superhero, and kicking off a series of DC movies with him feels right.
Although Superman fans can look forward to a new take on DC Comics’ Man of Steel debuting with the release of James Gunn’s ...
He certainly looked the part for each of them, showing off that iconic hair curl that Superman is known for while striking ...
It’s like doing a Saturday morning serial. Just take the money and run.” Larson filmed 26 Superman episodes in about five months. He never expected the show to take off, and shortly after he ...
Superman leaped onto the screen in a single bound soon after his comics debut in 1938, and he’s remained a fixture of film and television ever since! Here’s a round-up of who plays the Man of ...
best known for being the first actor to play Superman in live-action in Superman serial and Atom Man vs. Superman as well as Blackhawk in the Blackhawk serial, and Sam Lane in Superman ...