Scientists have identified 866 new species as part of the Ocean Census, a global mission to protect and accelerate the ...
Megalodon may have been up to 80 feet long, but the colossal extinct shark was also probably thinner than scientists ...
With documented swimming speeds of up to 46 miles per hour, mako sharks represent the world’s fastest elasmobranch species.
A new study has revealed fascinating details about the Megalodon, the massive prehistoric shark that lived between 15 to 3.6 ...
Megalodon have always been compared to the modern great white shark. Scientists have found a reason why it shouldn't be.
Florida researchers have identified a record-breaking great white shark as it is tracked down Florida's coastline ahead of ...
MEGALODON may have grown to a staggering 80 feet in length – and weighted 94 tons. The staggering size of the prehistoric ...
Scientists have found ancient nail tooth shark fossils deep inside Mammoth Cave in Kentucky, revealing new information about ...