The Grand Iftar was first held in Easton in 2017 and grew into a major cultural event on St Marks Road in the years before ...
Suhoor parties, Egyptian TV shows galore, late night Qiyam prayers and Yemeni coffee have become integral parts of the ...
In addition, by fasting from the temptation to hurry and recklessly rush about, we embrace the Lenten call to grow by living ...
The Catholic Church helps Catholics journey through Lent, the 40-day period of preparation for Easter, with guidance on fasting and abstinence.
The prophet Isaiah boldly challenges us to choose the way of fasting most acceptable to the Lord: “Releasing those bound unjustly … setting free the oppressed … sharing your bread ...
The Jefferson Parish School System provides Ramadan guidelines after parents say they have made several complaints.
Mallam Nawa Hawa, the Mallam for the Ashaiman Lebanon Central Mosque, has called on Muslims to maintain peace and ...
Discover how intermittent fasting affects your heart health with mixed research findings suggesting both benefits and ...
He encouraged the gathering to take their Lent seriously. “A great mentor of mine, Father Bill Richters, used to say, ‘have ...
The holy month of Ramadan started on Feb. 28 with the sighting of the new moon. Majority of 1.9 billion Muslims worldwide become more devout this month, fasting all day, praying more regularly than ...
Human beings have two chief orientations that guide all our behaviors: the first is toward pleasure and the second is toward ...
With the start of Ramadan — a holy month in Islam that celebrates the gift of the Qur’an to the Prophet Muhammed — on Feb. 28 ...