On the heels of research presented at the American Heart Association conference, experts want you to take scary headlines ...
Intermittent fasting appears to help stop platelet activation and clot formation, which could help decrease the risk of ...
Studies suggest types of fasting can lead to moderate weight loss and other health benefits in overweight and obese people, ...
A leader of the Lakshmipur Business Association has issued an apology after publicly forcing three individuals, including an ...
Water fasting is a method of fasting in which a person only drinks water for a stipulated time without any food intake. But ...
These are the prayer, meal and fasting times from local mosques in Birmingham - a similar schedule will apply elsewhere ...
Discover whether there's a connection between intermittent fasting and heart disease and get tips on who should and shouldn't ...
During Ramadan, Muslims fast from dawn to sunset, abstaining from food and drink for essentially the entire day. The fast is ...
When I told my sister about my plan to swap my usual sybaritic Christmas escape for a 10-day strict program of abstinence, ...
If at the end of Ramadan you’ve put on weight from sumptuous feasts – man, I don’t even know how to begin to tell you that ...
Those with conditions such as depression, anxiety or ADHD may find it difficult to fulfil their religious obligations during ...
During Ramadan, when the body is already adapting to a shifted sleep schedule, a carefully timed nap might be especially ...