El médico tradicional peruano, Lauro Hinostroza García, quien actualmente se encuentra preso por posesión de ayahuasca, logrará el cambio de medida cautelar, informó la titular de la ...
Mexico. He says he's also in talks with the founder of a startup incubator, whom Costuros declined to name, to create an ayahuasca-friendly accelerator in Costa Rica. Entrepreneurs would build ...
Aunque la ayahuasca es conocida por sus efectos psicoactivos y terapéuticos, M ori resaltó que su experiencia fue ...
Ayahuasca is in vogue at the moment. As one of the most interesting and unusual trends to pop up as part of the global wellness phenomenon in the last decade, this psychedelic medicine is both ...
Growing numbers of tourists are travelling to the Peruvian Amazon to drink ayahuasca, a traditional plant medicine said to bring about a higher state of consciousness. Foreigners come looking for ...
La Embajada de los Estados Unidos en Perú alertó a sus ciudadanos sobre los riesgos de consumir ayahuasca y otras sustancias alucinógenas. A través de un comunicado, indicó que esta planta ...
Ayahuasca (ai-uh-wa-skuh), also known as yage, is a hallucinogenic plant-based brew used as medicine in regions of the Amazon. Using the Banisteriopsis vine and the Psychotria shrub, the potent ...