When two top predators clash, you might think a grizzly would take the prize, but a pack of wolves won't give up their dinner ...
Such play allows the animals to bond and teaches pups how ... After several failed hunts (wolf hunts often do not succeed), the pack managed to drag down a muskox calf weighing about 200 pounds.
All sides agree problems will persist as long as ranch and gray wolf territories in California overlap. What's the solution?
EU countries are playing 'wolf in sheep's clothing' with the Commission as they inflate population figures to secure more ...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Wildlife Services responded to reports of a predator killing five sheep in north-central Wyoming on Saturday. The agency found evidence pointing to a wolf attack, ...
Spanish lawmakers on Thursday voted to end a ban on hunting wolves in the north of the country, three years after its ...
Now, legislation could permanently remove these protections and require a hunting season. Minnesotan gray wolves are listed ...
On Thursday, members of a Montana Senate committee advanced a bill that would require the Fish and Wildlife Commission to establish hunting and trapping seasons for wolves with the intent ...
A bill to extend the wolf hunting season by three months to align with the closing of the black bear hunting season on June 15 will be discussed in the ...