Prepare for some big changes. On Jan. 30, Uranus will go direct in the sign of Taurus at 23 degrees, ending a five-month-long retrograde period that started on Sept. 1, 2024. Astrologer Kyle ...
Thomas confirms that "yes," us people of Earth will be affected by the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in accordance with our zodiac signs. "There is an astrological meaning for everything," he tells ...
What is your love horoscope for each zodiac sign on March 13, 2025? What will it reveal about Uranus and its effect on relationships today? Uranus has aligned with the Sun in Pisces several times ...
On top of being our greatest source of energy, the sun is a symbol of vitality and ... With the sun in your sign, you’re in your element and power, feeling as confident as ever. Meanwhile, as Uranus ...