Certain herbs make excellent neighbors to tomatoes in the vegetable garden, repelling pests, keeping down weeds, and ...
You say tomato, we say tomato – but you'll have to call the whole thing off if you sow yours next to any of these pesky ...
Planting tomatoes at the right time is one of the most important factors when growing a successful crop. Plant tomatoes too ...
If you want to grow the best tomatoes this year, there are a few plants that people should avoid planting them near as they ...
Determinate and indeterminate describe two types of growth habits for tomatoes. Indeterminate tomatoes are vining varieties ...
Tomatoes are a favourite fruit to grow for British gardeners and there are many types they can choose from, but this one ...
A gardening expert has shared a simple tip to help keep pests away from your tomatoes - by planting a common flower right ...
Bacterial diseases will spread rapidly through a field in hot, wet weather. While we had the heat last year, we did not have ...