The 1970s called and they want their rotary dial cell phone back. Looking for all the world like something assembled from the Radio Shack parts department – remember when Radio Shack sold parts?
This phone is here for everyone who has lost a loved one. The phone is an outlet for those who have messages they wish to ...
A frustrated Justine Haupt came up with an unorthodox solution: she designed and built a mobile phone with a rotary dial that looks like it's 40 years old. There's an entire generation that ...
you can still buy rotary phones (BoldOldPhones is one site that specializes in them). Despite being a relic from the past, we still hear phrases like “dial 911” and I have to wonder how long ...
Phone 18 concept has a special round metal dial button. It will obviously never get made into a real device, but we love it.
Hey, remember rotary dial phones, especially back when you couldn’t buy them, you had to rent them from the phone company, and you didn’t have your own line because they made you share it with another ...
Introduced in the early 1900s, rotary phones were commonly used from the 1920s until the 1960s, when dial phones were gradually replaced with push button phones (see Touch-Tone). THIS DEFINITION ...
Aqara has launched the Touchscreen Dial V1 in Europe, combining a rotary dial with a touchscreen for controlling multiple devices individually or simultaneously. Priced at £149.99/€149.99 ...