Richard Feynman was a man of many talents ... So perhaps I could entertain future historians by saying I think all this superstring stuff is crazy and is in the wrong direction. I think all this ...
Irrespective of what he got right and what he got wrong in his famous 1959 lecture, Richard ... Feynman's vision of making synthetic chemists redundant: “it would be, in principle, possible (I ...
Richard Feynman (1918-88) was one of the most remarkable and gifted theoretical physicists of any generation. He was also known as the 'Great Explainer' because of his passion for helping non ...
Feynman suspected that it came down to bad communication due to management and engineering fundamentally having different priorities ... What Other People Think?” by Richard Feynman devotes ...
Richard Feynman's talk anticipating nanotechnology was inspirational, but no blueprint. Popular accounts of the history of nanotechnology typically begin 50 years ago this month, with Richard ...
Who was Richard Feynman and what did he actually say about nanotechnology? Back in 1959 it was only six years since Crick and Watson had determined the double-helix structure of DNA, the laser and ...