The tenth and eleventh weekly Torah readings from Exodus, Vayakkel (35:1-38:20) and Pekekudei (38:21-40:38) deal with the construction of the Tabernacle during Moses’s time. Many readers think the ...
The Village Chapel welcomes the community to join them for a special Shabbat evening on Friday, April 11, 6 to 8 p.m., ...
Summary: This assembly could be used as part of a series about Judaism. Shabbat - the day of rest - is celebrated every week, so this assembly is suitable to use throughout the year. Children may ...
You might have come across the Sabbath mode feature on your fridge or oven. If you don't know what this setting does, we have ...
One of the most significant changes is regarding the Purim Seudah. Ordinarily, the meal is held in the afternoon and extends into the night. However, since it is Erev Shabbat, one must finish the main ...
Allah made Islam to be an easy religion. But the Quran tells us Jews that we must not work publicly on the Sabbath or we will be named monkeys and pigs.
At the same time, since our concern for others derives from God’s concern for us, when we free our subordinates one day each week we are emulating God. In this sense, Shabbat is also a mitzvah ...
a tradition in the Jewish faith that takes place every Friday at sunset until sundown on Saturday. Sabbath is considered a ...
Summary: This assembly could be used as part of a series about Judaism. Shabbat - the day of rest - is celebrated every week, so this assembly is suitable to use throughout the year. Children may ...