optimized for connected data: the graph database. Graph databases are compelling because they enable companies to make sense of the masses of connected data that exist today. Walking, not joining ...
Value stream management involves people in the organization to examine workflows and other processes to ensure they are deriving the maximum value from their efforts while eliminating waste — of ...
One way of doing this is through the use of graph database technology. This form of database structures and analyses ...
Persistent's Santosh Dixit and Google's Shweta Maniar discuss their joint solution, Pi-OmniKG, and its impact on the life ...
With more businesses looking to leverage data generated by SAP systems for analytics and planning tasks, the software giant has added new knowledge graph capabilities to SAP Datasphere ...
Before we can use data it needs to be collected. A computer can quickly create a chart or graph from our data. It can create a chart or graph much quicker than a human can. It's more difficult to ...
In geography it is important to be able to read and understand data that is presented in a range of different ways. We often use graphs to present data in a clear and accessible way. There are ...