March 18th was the 100th anniversary of the Tri-State Tornado, a destructive tornado that broke many records that still stand ...
T​ornadoes in the U.S. typically increase sharply in spring.​ Unfortunately, a few of those can be violent tornadoes, particularly in the South. On March 3, 1966, 59 years ago today, an F5 tornado ...
A quirky aspect of the way we measure twisters helps explain why there hasn't been a top-tier-rated tornado in 12 years.
Even by Plains standards, this was an unusually large, violent tornado outbreak so early in spring. One Kansas tornado was ...
Tornadoes in the U.S. typically increase sharply in spring. Unfortunately, a few of those can be violent tornadoes, particularly in the South. On March 3, 1966, 59 years ago today, an F5 tornado ...