SANTO DOMINGO.-Los niveles de delincuencia siguen siendo altos en Cristo Rey del Distrito Nacional, sector que sirvió como ...
A former security coordinator at Cristo Rey Jesuit High School, pleaded not guilty to a charge of invade privacy-use surveillance device. The accused of Fernando Bustos. Bustos is accused of ...
Officials with Cristo Rey Jesuit High School are promising change. The change is coming after administrators found a hidden camera in the girls' locker room. A former security coordinator for ...
Parents and students say tempers flared after additional information was not provided at a Cristo Rey Jesuit High School board meeting about hidden cameras recording teenage girls in a locker room.
Al discurrir el recorrido de la cabalgata por delante de la capilla ha optado por trasladar la presentación del cartel al día ...
A student walkout ended a Cristo Rey Jesuit High School board meeting on Friday. A former security guard is accused of hiding a camera in the girls' locker room. The school's president spoke to ...
El choque entre el Cristo Rey y el Deportivo Salamanca, de Segunda Juvenil, fue suspendido por los vergonzosos incidentes ...