An Enid, Oklahoma woman shares her success story after experiencing homelessness for 24 years. The nonprofit she says helped ...
Enid Woodring Regional Airport was proclaimed Oklahoma’s first Purple Heart Airport at the Tuesday evening meeting of the ...
Judd Blevins, a City Council member in Enid, Oklahoma, faced questions about his connections to white nationalist groups ...
Carol Lahman first served as assistant city attorney for the city beginning in 1988 and was later appointed city attorney, ...
On Tuesday, April 2, Enid, Oklahoma, will hold an election on whether to recall Judd Blevins from his position as a City Council member. April 1 would have been more appropriate. Why the recall?
Oklahoma Highway Patrol (OHP) reports that US-412 & 60th Street to US-412 & 90th Street on the east side of Enid, OK in ...