To receive daily news and insights, subscribe to our free daily Grocery Dive newsletter. C&S Wholesale Grocers plans to lay off at least 76 workers at multiple locations in five states come mid-March, ...
Contributions to 527s are not included in the Individuals, PACs, Soft (Indivs), or Soft (Orgs) columns, so the sum of these columns may not equal the Total column. The numbers on this page are based ...
The company has been purchased by a “consortium of private investors,” including Southeastern Grocers’ longtime supply chain partner, C&S Wholesale Grocers, according to a news release from ...
A consortium of private investors led by the current CEO and President of Southeastern Grocers Inc., along with C&S Wholesale Grocers, has acquired Southeastern Grocers and its Winn-Dixie and Harveys ...
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lee Zeldin’s decision that the agency will reconsider the Technology ...