Thought to be driven by breeding and food resources, a GPS-collared buck has traveled 18 miles and crossed the Mississippi ...
After authorities were seen dragging a 2-year-old deer named Baby away from a woman accused of keeping him illegally, many ...
Buck, a 12-year-old wire fox terrier ... a Guide to Hunting White-Tailed deer Antlers” and she watched online videos about the hobby, too. She learned to walk in areas where the sun warms ...
An 8-point buck is running free following efforts from police in Livonia to rescue it from a yard where it became tangled in a rope. Click here for important updates to our privacy policy. News ...
The Hinkley buck, tagged in Maine in 1955, was possibly the biggest whitetail ever killed at the time, and certainly in Maine.
Two years of GPS-tracking data were used by Mississippi State University Deer Lab researchers to determine if the moon ...
LDWF has reported a confirmed case of Chronic Wasting Disease in a hunter-harvested white-tailed buck in Catahoula Parish, ...
LIVONIA - A deer’s life was on the line Sunday morning, but the buck is running free again after some police intervention. Livonia Police Department Lt. Jessica Sabbadin said officers responded ...