It is an extremely remote location approximately 220km inland from the ice-shelf. The researchers and base personnel remain ...
Researchers at South Africa's remote Sanae IV base had urged their bosses to let them leave or remove the scientist after he ...
A calving iceberg exposed a region that never before had been seen by human eyes, revealing a vibrant, thriving ecosystem ...
This means that changes at the edges of the continent could trigger further ice loss deeper inland. With Bedmap3 providing an ...
Many of us perceive Antarctica as a distant and mysterious corner of the world. The coldest and most wind-swept region on Earth was the last continent to be discovered. Today, it stands as a ...
Newsweek has created a map that lays bare the isolation of a South African research base in Antarctica where a team is reportedly trapped with a colleague who has become violent.
The claims were made in an email sent from the base, in which the sender expressed fear for their own and their colleagues' ...
Government officials have responded to the scientist's call for 'immediate action' to the behaviour of a team member ...
It's the worst nightmare for researchers at an isolated polar station: What when someone wigs out and you can neither flee ...
A media storm blew up in mid-March 2025 when a researcher at South Africa's isolated Sanae IV base in Antarctica accused one of its nine team members of becoming violent. The Conversation Africa ...