Black and American Indian patients are less likely to have elevated cancer antigen (CA)-125 levels at ovarian cancer ...
Guns were the leading cause of death among American youth for the third year in a row in 2023, outpacing car accidents.
A lawsuit has been filed here  in Sacramento Superior Court to block a guaranteed basic income program that offers $725 per ...
Early in the 19th century, while the rapidly-growing United States expanded into the lower South, white settlers faced ... had removed 46,000 Native American people from their land east of the ...
Researchers examined CA-125 levels at diagnosis, defining them as elevated/borderline or negative/normal in 250,749 patients ...
A new study focusing on the common CA-125 blood test found that some patients were 23 percent less likely to show elevated cancer antigen levels at diagnosis.
Native American women have the highest rate of ovarian cancer. Black women with ovarian cancer have lower rates of survival ...
The Black Hills are sacred to the Lakota Sioux ... The history of Wounded Knee would spur American Indian Movement (A.I.M.) activists to occupy the site in 1973. They demanded the federal ...